Borderless Skills

Resume & Cover Letter

Job Advert for a Virtual Assistant Our organization is seeking a detail-oriented virtual assistant for personal tasks. Responsibilities include research, phone calls, travel planning, and various errands. Must be organized, reliable, and have excellent communication skills. It involves being available all week. Task Submit a quick-tailored cover letter and a quick-tailored resume for this specific

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Data Entry and Internet Research

ASSIGNMENT Read the next paragraph, and then follow the provided steps to complete this mini-project.   Your new client, Mr. Adams, has been invited to speak at the annual Mayors’ Conference in California, USA. This year, the conference is focused on the importance of EdTech organizations in this technological age. He asks you to research and

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Meeting Minutes Taking

Develop a hypothetical meeting agenda for a board of directors meeting. Create comprehensive meeting minutes and notes, incorporating key discussion points, decisions, action items, deadlines, and responsible individuals for the above meeting.

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List all 4 Ws of the travel itinerary. What is the best place to find up-to-date and reliable visa application requirements for a country? Before researching and booking travel, what information do you need to ask your client? Follow the below steps to complete this question. You will be applying your skills to travel research,

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Calendar management

Assignment When managing a client’s calendar, list your responsibilities as a VA June 20th, 2024, is 2 pm in Lagos, Nigeria, what time and date is it in Wellington, New Zealand?  Hint: Use a timezone converter like Time Zone converter Imagine, I am your client, Arrange a call for me with 4 people 2 live

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Google Workspace Assignment

As part of your assessment for this module, it is recommended that you create a short video outlining your understanding of the key concepts covered, as well as your proficiency in using Google Workspace. This video will serve as a demonstration of your practical knowledge and understanding of the material and will ensure that you

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Time Management Assignment

Take this time management assessment and take a moment to reflect on the assessment. How did you do, and how can you improve your time management skills?

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